Donnerstag, 28. April 2011

like ice in the sunshine...wohoo

I'm so sick of this rainy, windy, cold weather. Where is the sun, the warm weather?? It's almost May and Wisconsin won't get warm? I wanna feel the sun on my face, wanna go outside without have to worry about taking a jacket, going for a walk on the lakeshore and see smilin' faces all around.

- Ich halte dieses regnerische, windige und kalte Wetter einfach nicht mehr aus. Wo ist die Sonne, das war,e Wetter?? Es ist fast Mai und Wisconsin wird einfach nicht warm. Ich möchte die Sonne auf meinem Gesicht spüren, ohne Jacke rausgehen, am Strand spazierengehen und lächelnde Gesichter sehen. -

- fun summer days.

- long, warm nights with a fire on the beach and...

- ... beautiful sunsets (even in the car), that's what we're waiting for.

Please summer, come soon.

Love, inesita.

Samstag, 23. April 2011

Dear You,

Smile. You're beautiful.

Sincerely, Me

What a great day. Easter-holiday is on right now, and finally, the sun is coming out a bit. I bought some daffodils the other day and they bloomed over night so pretty, just looking at them makes me feel light-hearted.

When I look out of my window, I see squirrels running around like crazy. They seem to be happy about this weather, too. :)

What I love at this time: - Running in the morning makes you feel good all day long. Try it! (equals out these delicious cake-calories. yummm )

               - Baking german cake when I miss home.

And- don't forget- keep smiling ; )

Samstag, 16. April 2011

Back from paradise

I'm back. back in cold, snowy and depressive Wisconsin after one amazing week in Hawai'i. I had a wonderful time. All the other exchange students are just so wonderful and together we had an awesome time. We stayed in Honululu, right at the waikiki beach and on main street. We did everything you should do, like surfing, snorkeling, we went on a catamaran, saw dolphins, sea turtles, whales and beautiful sunsets.
 Waikiki beach

at the north shore
And, like every vacation, time passed by much too fast. Now we're all back and just today, it snowed again, I can't believe it. But then, I just try to make summer in my room, listen to music, drink hot chocolate and make plans for the future. I'm gonna post some pictures and a song, which reminds me of this trip:
Luan Santana- Um Beijo


Sonntag, 10. April 2011

In paradise.

Hey guys.
OMG. Hawaii is wonderful!! Comin from Wisconsin, we're really enjoying the sun over here.
First day, we went on a catamaran-ride, we saw dolphins out there!
Second day was surfing, and we saw seaturtles. I was scared that they would bite me, they looked so angry. Surfing is really not my sport, but doing it was a great experience. Third day, we went in an awesome bay, is was so beautiful!! We went snorkeling and saw all these tropical and colorful fishes. I took pictures with an underwater-camera, i hope they turn out good. I good the worst sunburn in my life, my skull and my back are on fire...
Today we went on Diamond Head, hiking. The view on Waikiki was just incredible up there!! Now we're going shopping in a huge mall, something different than the international market every day ;)
I'm gonna upload some pictures when I come back, because I use the computer in the lobby right now and it's gonna take some time.
So, I hope you all out there have are doing good.

ALOHA. <3.